If you have ever asked anyone out of frustration or confusion ‘How do I keep towels soft?’ Rally Towels has the answer.
It can be hard removing stiffness and rough spots on towels. We want to make your life easier, Rally Towels has put together a quick guide on how to remove stiffness.
7 Tips to remove Stiffness from Towels
- Use less detergent – Detergent is the most likely culprit. Adding too much detergent to the amount of laundry in the load is a very common mistake. Keep a fair balance.
- Replace fabric softeners with vinegar – This tip is very unknown, Add a cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle. This easy simple to do step will restore the softness to your towels in no time.
- Wash in warm water
- Use baking soda – The vinegar and baking soda will strip the residue from the towels this helps to leave them fluffy and absorbent again.
- Lighten your wash load – Don’t make the wash load heavy, too many clothes can cause the towels to not fluff. When you’re washing, try to go for a full load of just towels. It will use less energy and water, and most importantly you other clothes will be lint free.
- Toss in a dryer ball sometimes people use tennis balls. If your towels are already stiff or not fluffy as they use to be, one other way to soften them is to throw a dryer-safe ball or two in the dryer with the towels. The continuous movement of the ball or balls circulating with the towels will gradually remove any stiffness, leaving you with softer towels. If you want to save money, try throwing a tennis ball in the dryer with your towels instead this generally work just as well and saves you a couple bucks on dryer balls.
- Go easy on the tumble drying, don’t heat for long period. Make sure to get the towels in the dryer quickly after washing otherwise bacteria will start breeding in a very short amount of time.
These helpful tips will help remove any stiffness from your towels. If you have any other recommendations or methods you have used to remove stiffness please share them in the comments below!
IF you interested in ordering custom towels contact Rally Towels, check out the different type of towels we offer for customization!