Are you looking for a new way to advertise? Rally Towels offers custom-made gym towels to help you promote your business. Our high-quality gym towels are highly absorbent, one hundred percent pure cotton. The standard color is white, but we also offer thirteen more exciting background color options for our gym towels. Do you need more on your towel than your company name? We also offer photo-printed towels.
If you run a gym or other fitness-related business, ordering custom-made gym towels is the perfect way to advertise that business. We will print your company name and logo on them and you can hand them out to new gym members as a signing bonus, or you can sell them to customers who need new equipment.
Your gym’s towels don’t have to be promotional, however. It’s also a good idea to just have towels on hand at your gym for your members to use during their workouts. Place them at convenient locations in the weight rooms or near the aerobic equipment, so anyone who needs a towel can find one easily. Make sure to also set up receptacles for collecting them when your members are done with them. Place one basket near each spot where the towels are distributed, and at least one more in every locker room. To avoid mix-ups between the branded “house” towels at your gym and the gym-branded towels that are given or sold to gym members, consider using a different color towel, or having a variant design printed on one set.
Wholesale Gym Towels
Why order and use gym towels? Probably the first thing that comes to mind is using them to wipe off sweat after a good workout. However, that’s not their only function in the gym. They can also be used to wipe down equipment before you use it, to minimize your contact with other people’s sweat and germs. Protect your health by exercising simple precautions like these.
And you’re not just benefiting yourself; when you use a towel at the gym, you are also showing courtesy to other users. After all, if you are toweling off your sweat and using a towel as a barrier, you are helping to keep the exercise equipment clean for everyone. And even If your workout doesn’t take you to the gym, you will still need a towel to wipe down with.
Why Order Custom Towels
If you are coaching a team this season, you should consider getting them gym towels with the team name and mascot. Rally Towels has created custom towels for many sports teams and parks leagues. Of course, your team needs towels for use after games and practices, but matching towels are like part of a uniform: it lets everyone know they are part of the same team, working for the same goal. Just like rally towels can hype up fans and really pull them into the game, unifying the team itself can really improve their performance.
Professional sports teams can also use orders of gym towels, not just for the athletes in the game but for fans as well. Hand them out at games and sell them as souvenirs. What fan doesn’t want to show their loyalty by using a towel at their own gym decorated with the mascot of their favorite sports team?
If you are an employer hosting a company event this year, or if you are just looking to incentivize your employees to become more fit, consider ordering a set of gym towels to hand out to them, and wherever they use them, your company logo will be on display.
Wholesale Hand Towels
The hospitality industry has need of towels of all sizes for their guests, and while we usually call our 15” × 25” towels gym towels, they are perfectly serviceable as hand towels as well. Hotels, especially those with on-site workout facilities for their guests, can use our screen printing or embroidery decorating options to offer branded towels throughout the building, both in guests’ rooms and in the gym or weight room. Coupled with the larger bath or beach towels for showering and at the hotel poolside, you can offer a consistent branded experience. Guests take note of the convenience and class, while towels that are clearly identified as hotel property are less likely to get mixed in with guests’ belongings when they leave.
Our towels aren’t just for businesses and individuals: if you are involved in running a community recreation center in your town, why not order gym towels to give out to people who buy memberships? Summer is here, and many people will be heading to a rec center to get fit for the beach or just relax with their kids at the pool, and all of them will need towels.
In the end, our gym towels are smaller towels that are useful just about everywhere. Whatever your custom towels needs are this summer, big or small, contact us here at Rally Towels, and we can get the job done.